Vincent Boisvert Yvan Boisvert Mathieu Morin Moisan Elena Svabu Marc-Olivier Houle Cynthia Beauchemin
Located in Quebec City, the benefits management firm Valeo+ is dedicated to providing Canadian companies with the necessary means to guide their employees towards greater financial health. With a distinctive approach focused on education and prevention, the firm’s six associates are proving that an ingenious combination of technology and intergenerational transfer is the key to success.
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From father to son
In their youth, Vincent Boisvert and Mathieu Moisan, who have known each other all their lives, never dreamed of working in the financial world, let alone one day becoming associates.
Vincent’s youth is a time of exploration. Interested in many fields, he wants to discover his true path. After training in business management, exploring the hotel industry and earning a university degree in financial planning, he decides in 2012 to join one of the divisions of R.E.G.A.R., a financial services firm founded by his father Yvan and his partner René Moisan, Mathieu’s father.
Mathieu, for his part, follows his father’s entrepreneurial example and quickly launches his own business. However, he makes his mark in IT consulting for fourteen years, far from the financial field like his father. In 2016, the young man, who has been friends with Vincent since birth and is particularly attached to Yvan, joins the company co-founded by his father as a financial security advisor.
Since our fathers were business associates for many years, it’s as if, in a way, we were part of the same family.
The genesis...
Prelude to a promising partnership
Vincent and Mathieu broaden their knowledge of the financial sector by working together at R.E.G.A.R., and begin their professional relationship, gradually shaping their entrepreneurial vision.
Upon his arrival at R.E.G.A.R., Vincent is introduced to the field of retirement plans in one of the divisions headed by Daniel Beaulieu: R.E.G.A.R. Group Plans.
At first, I wasn’t planning to go into finance, but it finally caught up with me. I was the second employee of R.E.G.A.R. Group Plans.
Vincent Boisvert and Mathieu Moisan
Taking advantage of Daniel’s expertise, Vincent develops, much to his surprise, a growing curiosity for this sector of activity. In fact, it is this mentor’s enlightened vision that makes him realize the human impact of the role of a good financial advisor. After working as an employee for five years, Vincent, drawn to entrepreneurship, becomes a partner in the company alongside his father and Daniel.
In the meantime, Mathieu is also developing his practice in the field, and is increasingly involved with the group annuity division, eventually making the switch. The two friends are then in daily contact.
Given my past technological experience, Vincent would share with me some of the problems he was experiencing in his operations. We were developing a business relationship.
Sharing their respective challenges, they quickly develop a promising professional relationship that marks the start of a great adventure.
Yvan Boisvert, Mathieu and Vincent
Spreading their wings
In 2018, Yvan, Daniel and Vincent launch a spin-off, a term which, in entrepreneurial parlance, means turning a large company’s department into a separate entity. As a result, the group plans to dissociate the division from R.E.G.A.R. It then becomes a company in its own right.
So, a new employee benefits management firm was created and we became 100% autonomous.
By leaving the R.E.G.A.R. environment, the three associates must automatically give up certain services provided in the other divisions.
To enhance their services, they decide to set up their own personal financial services firm, as well as a financial planning department. R.E.G.A.R. remains their partner, each one focusing on its own distinctive area of expertise.
This is how Valeo+ officially came into being.
In the course of this major transformation, Mathieu becomes an associate in 2019 and assumes the position of general manager.
Educating, preventing, helping

The choice of the name Valeo, which means “well-being” in Latin, is not insignificant for the company’s management team. It embodies their commitment to financial education.
“We want to democratize financial concepts and contribute to employees’ well-being by helping them manage their finances wisely.”
Leading a team of four employees, they now focus their efforts on implementing this proactive approach.
Money is the number one source of stress for Canadians. So, we decided to base our business model on that.
From the outset, the associates understand that support has to be provided on the employer’s side, with its strategic issues, as well as on the employee’s side, with regard to their financial health.
“After all, it’s the staff who benefits directly from the plans put in place.”
To give impetus to its mission, Valeo+ implements a financial wellness program, from which a number of concrete initiatives have emerged to educate, train, help, and coach employees towards healthy management of their finances.
“Our industry offers pension plans. But we want to upgrade this to a whole new level. Our goal isn’t just to offer plans, it’s to add value to them and bring them to life.”
In this way, the interventions carried out at a client’s site over the course of a year improve the financial well-being of their employees and, by the same token, maximize organisational health by promoting staff attraction and retention.
“That’s our hallmark.”
A place built on trust
Financial health is a sensitive subject, so in order to create an environment where both managers and staff feel comfortable and confident, Valeo+ chooses to set up a team of paid advisors, accredited by the Autorité des marchés financiers. They provide financial education sessions in-house, and support the clients’ human resources teams in explaining to their employee benefits programs.
“For example, we talk to them about news on the economy, the inflation or how to prepare for a mortgage renewal.”
In addition to group meetings, Valeo+ extends its coaching services by offering individual sessions to employees. This enables advisors to provide concrete information on employee benefits, and go deeper into the concepts of good financial practice on a personal level.
“It’s rare that in the company of thirty or so colleagues, someone will feel like raising their hand to discuss their inability to pay their credit cards. We wanted to create a safe space where the employee can feel totally comfortable asking real questions.”
In fact, the goal of our advisors is not to sell products, but rather to coach employees towards financial health.
They’re really there to help the person with healthy financial management.

Another tool in their arsenal

Initially, in addition to pension plans, Valeo+ offers group insurance services, which are provided by an external partner.
We decided to provide the service in-house. We thought it made sense, on the one hand for our progress, but also to ensure the company’s longevity.
Thus, despite an economic context in the industry marked by a strong trend towards consolidation and acquisition by U.S. companies, the associates wish to develop their autonomy and bring the advantages of their Valeo+ approach to the group insurance field.
To achieve this, they decide to take a major step forward by merging with BC Assurances, a well-known company based in Quebec City with an excellent reputation. By 2022, Valeo+ has grown to some twenty employees.
We became specialists in employee benefits, retirement savings plans, group insurance, employee financial assistance programs… We now do everything in-house.
This is also when three new associates come on board: Elena Svabu, Marc-Olivier Houle and Cynthia Beauchemin. At the same time, Daniel is slowly preparing for retirement. He withdraws from shareholding, while continuing to put his considerable expertise in group annuities to good use in a number of cases that remain close to his heart.
Even though most of the major players in the field of employee benefits have fallen into Americans hands, the Valeo+ associates have no intention of selling their firm to a multinational — quite the contrary. Instead, driven by their initiatives to improve the financial well-being of Canadians, they are stepping up their efforts to attract new talent.
We have a vision! We don’t want to sell our firm. We want to build it well; ensure its continuity and see it grow beyond Quebec.
Vision and values...
Life project partner

Well-being is at the heart of Valeo+’s mission, but it’s also a value that is present at many levels within the company.
This is reflected in the relationship of trust they develop with their suppliers and business associates, as well as in their day-to-day operations and work atmosphere. Advisors benefit from a working environment that offers them administrative support, competitive remuneration, flexibility and the autonomy typical of independent advisors.
It’s important for us to be a life project partner for each and every one of our employees.
It’s a motto that Yvan repeats to the whole team, and that everyone applies by spending all the time necessary to support their staff on a professional level.
Here, we believe that it’s by making human beings grow that we can aspire to see the company evolve.
Technological turn
Valeo+ is all about increasing efficiency.
And this gain in performance definitely requires the development of technological tools.
“Employee benefits can be seen as a bit of a drab business. We, on the other hand, are always looking to innovate and stay on top of the latest trends.”
As a result, all processes are documented and computerized, enabling the firm to rely on hyper-efficient internal administrative management.
We’re outperforming the industry average.
Measuring the impact
In addition to improving their performance, technology enables Valeo+ to obtain extremely accurate and valuable data,
which can even be shared with their clients.
We’ve built tools, we’ve developed scripts. In a few minutes, we can get a general idea of a person’s financial health, store the data and interpret it later.
The individual meetings remain documented in an internal system at Valeo+, so that fluid follow-up can be carried out year after year. An index of overall financial health is provided to the employer, turning into evolving recommendations over time.
Continuous improvement
The associates have many other technological projects in mind, notably to improve their interactions with suppliers and insurers.
“We’re constantly fine tuning our operations. We’re not satisfied with doing things the same way simply because they’ve always been done that way.”
For us, everything is possible.

Customizing services

When the Valeo+ team talks to the youngest employees in its client base, it becomes obvious that most of them would prefer not to take advantage of employee benefits and keep the money in their pockets. This is why advisors are keen to draw up customized plans based on their needs.
“Employee benefits are often perceived as an expense by the employer, but also by the employee, who wants to see tangible rewards. That’s why measuring the performance and evolution of our financial wellness program is so important.”
Young person far from retirement, for example, will be offered a program enabling them to withdraw their RRSPs to buy a first property. This way, they will feel more motivated by the money they put aside.
We want to connect with our participants out in the field.
“So, when we ask them a few years later, we find that employee benefits have become very high on their list of priorities. They realize, among other things, that they’ve managed to save money or that they have access to services they wouldn’t do without anymore.”
The wealth of generations
For the associates, the status quo has never been an option. Constantly rethinking their ways of doing things to go further, they seek ways to adapt to the evolving market.
This impulse to challenge, that comes from Yvan’s experience.
With five generations rubbing shoulders on the job market, the firm’s team sees nothing but positives in this diversity, and in this culture of continuous sharing.
Benefiting from Daniel’s know-how and Yvan’s business network, the younger ones make the most of this expertise while adapting it to today’s reality.
This is the main reason for our growth.
The power of “why”
Valeo+ is far from being a company that only offers products or services. Making a difference is the sincere wish of the entire team.
For employers, having Valeo+ as a partner means taking another big step forward in enhancing their employee benefits and employer brand.
Staff also express their appreciation following webinars or presentations given by the Valeo+ team.
“When a client’s employee comes up to us and shakes our hand saying, ‘thank you, thanks to you, I have a pension’, that means a lot to us.”
We feel that we’re contributing something greater to the community.
Behind the scenes...
The pillars
The committed visionary
Vincent Boisvert
It’s hard to imagine that Vincent was searching for his own path before joining his father at R.E.G.A.R. Régimes Collectifs, which was to become Vaelo+. With his strong entrepreneurial spirit, he was, in a way, destined to propel the company to great heights. Relevant, committed, and, above all, a visionary, he knows how to stay on course with the company’s educational mission. In 2016, he took advantage of a coaching program at the École d’Entrepreneurship de Beauce, proving once again his determination to constantly improve his knowledge.
A devoted mentor
Yvan Boisvert
Executive Vice-President
Yvan is a great source of inspiration for his young team of associates. In addition of generously sharing his expertise, he provides valuable insights to his peers. With his undeniable human qualities, Yvan is the ideal person to offer coaching within the company, and remains a precious reference for the Valeo+ team.
An innovative leader
Mathieu Morin Moisan
General Manager
From the moment he joined Valeo+, Mathieu has put his skills in new technologies and his values of innovation to the firm’s good use. Structured, eloquent and rigorous, he has great respect for the generations that preceded him, acknowledging their indispensable contributions to the creation of major projects. Motivated by the firm’s future, Mathieu will undoubtedly contribute to pushing the technological aspect even further, for the great benefit of his team and his clients.
The 2022 crop
The benevolent soul
Elena Svabu
Director of Operations, Group Retirement Savings
Originally from Moldavia, Elena is, in a way, the “mom” at Valeo+. Benevolent and attentive, she is an invaluable asset to the team.
The ardent financier
Marc-Olivier Houle
Director of Individual Solutions
Marco is all about financial health! An expert in his field, he plays a key role in coordinating Valeo+’s team of advisors for individuals.
The numbers enthusiast
Cynthia Beauchemin
Director of Operations, Group Insurance
Cynthia counts some fifteen years of experience in group insurance. A CPA and MBA, she is a numbers girl and a great help to the company’s development!
The great Valeo+ team

An outline for the future...
Growing fast
The projects are exponential for the Vaelo+ team, which has a strong presence in the province and supports its clients across Canada.
“We’d like to increase our presence in Toronto. It’s an extremely promising market!”
The associates also want to go beyond their organic growth. Through their webinars, training courses and conferences, they know they have the potential to reach a much wider audience.
We want to maximize our reach, for business development, but more importantly to strengthen our mission of financial health education.
With their determination, creativity and strong values, Yvan, Vincent, Mathieu, Cynthia, Elena and Marc-Olivier rightly believe in the merits of their actions. Thanks to their empathy and great adaptability, there is no doubt that they will achieve their goal of reducing the financial stress of the Canadian population.
Ultimately, the entire community will come out a winner!

Valeo+ – English
725, boul. Lebourgneuf, bur. 401
Québec (Québec) G2J 0C4
1 844 893-7376
valeo.plusPublisher: Memorial Edition
Publishing Director: Audrey Dallaire
Author: Anne-Sophie Brunelle
Translator: Frédérick Poulin
Graphic design: Liliane Racine
Graphic designer: Marie-Hélène Taillon
Proofreader (French): Marcelle Racine
Proofreader (English): Céline Chabot
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