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Dominic Miron Félix Bédard Martin Houle Ricardo Segantini Jake Estok

Construction, Ingénierie


ELEMA is an engineering firm specialized in building structures with a known and respected human approach. Its management values respect, communication and responsibility. True creators, their engineers, architects and technicians all work together to find optimal and structural solutions that meet their clients’ expectations.

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Building human relationships

A company that focuses on humans above everything, isn’t that the key to success?


Like its numerous professional accomplishments as building structures consultant experts, ELEMA’s transdisciplinary team – composed of Dominic Miron, Félix Bédard, Martin Houle, Ricardo Segantini and Jake Estok – has a solid foundation. 

ELEMA distinguishes itself by its approach, which focuses first and foremost on the respect of everyone, no matter their status: employees or clients. Stimulating the full potential of the resources and everyone’s well-being are priorities.  

“We truly have an atypical firm. We don’t have a traditional structure. We built the company around people. We seek contracts that employees enjoy working on.”

The individual is therefore at the heart of the management’s concerns. The associates promote communication and confidence, the premisses of a company culture filled with benevolence. Above the know-how, the know-how-to-be is a key component as well as the common denominator between the five partners.

“The trust of our clients is the most beautiful gift we can have. This shows that they respect the quality of our work and appreciate the humans they are dealing with. At the end of the day, what’s more important than that?”

The genesis...

A resilient dream

Chasing a dream, bringing it to life and perpetuating it… because every company is born from a vision. 

In 2010, while they were all working on a large-scale project – the completion of the first phase of the new Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM) – these professionals met and discovered both personal and professional affinities that they would later transfer to ELEMA. Back then, Dominic, Félix, Martin, and Ricardo were working for the Pasquin St-Jean et associés (PSA) engineering firm with the engineer David Rokas. When the project was completed in 2014, the higher executives of PSA retired. The company then took a direction that differed from Dominic and David’s aspirations. At that point, they thought about starting an engineering firm
of their own.

“David’s dream was to found an engineering office. On October 16th, 2014, we took the plunge: we launched ELEMA Experts-Conseils.” D.M.

Dominic, Félix and David are part of the adventure from its inception, whereas Ricardo and Martin join ELEMA a few days later.


In loving memory of David Rokas: an inspiring friend and colleague who left us too early. Even though you are not with us anymore, we think about you every day.


In June 2015, misfortune hits David Rokas. He is diagnosed with a bone marrow cancer. The president and cofounder of the new firm, which was launched only eight months before, would never return to the office and passed away at the early age of 41 in January 2016 as a result of this merciless cancer. All are in shock, but refuse to let themselves be defeated by the dark designs of adversity.

“David was a public relations (PR) guy who wanted to do business development. That was his specialty. We each had our role. Now, we had to change course to keep the company going.”

 The hardship brought us all together. 

David Rokas’ dream lives on. All involved have the ambition to continue the ELEMA adventure and sublimate grief into a new energy that allows them to move forward. Despite the turmoil caused by this storm, the quartet of Dominic, Félix, Martin, and Ricardo sets course towards a brighter horizon.

A pledge of experience

Joining forces with experienced professionals. A winning strategy.


Humaniti Complex © Adrien Williams


In the spring of 2016, Dominic approaches Jake Estok – a seasoned engineer who doesn’t shy away from challenges. He joins ELEMA in summer 2016. Met at PSA during the new CHUM project, this experienced engineer adds to the firm’s credibility and notoriety. With his numerous experiences, Jake contributes to the development of innovative solutions and allows ELEMA to expand its engineering services – particularly in structural wood – while simultaneously enabling its growth.

“With the CHUM, I learned. After that, I wasn’t afraid of projects in regards to their size, their scope. It was a three million square foot building. It’s big and it’s ambitious.”

A big name in the engineering community, many are showing a keen interest in working with him, clients as well as architects and engineers. In addition to his positive impact on ELEMA, Jake’s presence within the company has a snowball effect.

“When we went to get Jake, it gave us more notoriety and depth. It allowed us to get clients and projects. ”

 The ELEMA team is growing. Little by little, the features of the company are taking shape and each actor is being assigned the role that suits them best.



Four Seasons Montréal Hotel & Residences

A decisive project!


Giving the best of oneself in order to become established. This is a major challenge!

The expansive Four Seasons Montréal project, which spans from 2015 to 2019, allows ELEMA to anchor its foundation and move forward. It is the return to Montréal of a prestigious hotel chain offering the finest in urban chic dining and luxury residences.

On a Thursday afternoon in 2015, Dominic receives a crucial call at 3 p.m. An hour later, he arrives at the client’s location and is back in the office at 5:30 p.m. He then calls on his team, eight employees at the time. “This is the only time I told the employees: this week-end, everybody works because this will either save us or shut us down.” Everyone pitches in and works diligently
until Sunday night. On Monday morning at 8:30, the ELEMA team is at Carbonleo in Brossard, roll of printed plans in hand.

We were ready. We showed the client what we had to offer and he really liked it.


Four Seasons Montréal Hotel & Residences
© Adrien Williams


The hard work of the ELEMA team pays off – they land this important contract. The realisation of this decisive project allows ELEMA to shine and gain respect and notoriety in the industry.

This allowed us to get recognition from our peers.


Four Seasons Montréal Hotel & Residences
© Adrien Williams


The partners rise to the challenge, which they describe as a game changer. As a result, the team is receives with a significant number of contracts. The loyalty of the clients, which translates into repeat business, delights the ELEMA team.

“It’s like a spider’s web that you build over time. The bigger the web, the more connections you have, and the more you get contacted. We’re at a stage where we get a lot of calls without direct solicitation.”

Vision and values...

Know-how alongside humility

ELEMA enjoys a resounding success – projects from all horizons follow one another and all are brilliantly realized, as the company’s impressive portfolio attests. Although the company is relatively young, this does not hinder the quality of its achievements.

ELEMA receives many honours in architecture and engineering. Félix Bédard recceives the CISC (Canadian Institute for Steel Construction) Award for Excellence in Steel Construction for the second time – Young Engineers/Architects of the Year Award for the completion of the Humaniti Complex (2017-2019).

Although the firm is recognized on several occasions for its achievements, all remain humble and do not rest on their laurels.


MAA Condominiums
© Damien Ligiardi


We’re really happy, but we’re not taking anything for granted. We’re using this as a source of motivation to maintain that standard.


ELEMA’s expertise caters to a variety of needs, as evidenced by several of their amazing creations. 

In 2016, in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, the engineers collaborate on the design of structures for a sportswear manufacturing plant (2016-2020). A project approached from a sustainable development perspective. ELEMA also participates in the development of the new MAA tower where the main challenge is to excavate three floors of parking spaces directly underneath the existing facades of the legendary sports centre on Peel. 

ELEMA shows its creativity by designing a new glass shell to compensate for the deterioration of the concrete facades of the famous Grand Théâtre de Québec, designed by architect Victor Prus. Furthermore, the well known mural entitled Mort, Espace, Liberté by Jordi Bonnet is embedded in the facades. This project, which wins numerous awards, illustrates the symbiotic work carried out thanks to the contribution of everyone involved: the client, the professionals
(among them Félix Bédard for the design of the glass systems), the general contractor, and the subcontractors.

ELEMA’s designers also put their shoulder to the wheel on the project for Saint Joseph’s Oratory, a highly visited iconic place of worship located on Mount Royal. They participate in the design of a new concrete reception pavilion built on the mountainside with a new skylight and a majestic steel carillon (2018-2023). A challenge that requires finesse and deference.


New glass shell Grand Théâtre de Québec
© Stéphane Groleau

The hidden face of teleworking


Humaniti Complex
© Adrien Williams


In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sounds the death knell for on-site activities.

On Monday, March 16, 2020, as uncertainty is looming, management meets with the firm’s employees who quickly ensure continuity of work from their homes. Exceptional times call for exceptional measures.

From then on, a meeting via the Teams tool is set up every morning at eight. This virtual gathering allows the team to stay connected. Dominic and his associates take this opportunity to reassure the troops. These meetings take place on a daily basis until the construction holiday, by which time the uncertainty and fears have already dissipated.

Teleworking continues at ELEMA with the integration of remote collaboration platforms such as Bluebeam Studio. Although he is flexible, Dominic talks about how challenging this new reality in the workplace is for him, as he prefers face-to-face discussions. 

“This will create a different society. A less human and more impersonal structure.” 

Nothing compares to an informal chat over a cup of coffee at the office to get a better sense of the employee’s concerns. 

 My difficulty with the pandemic and teleworking is that I’m not able to get to know people. I used to thrive on human contact. Now we have success, but it’s on paper, we don’t see people.  

The virtual world has some limitations, including a lack of spontaneous exchanges with work colleagues. 

At the same time, a recent employee survey indicates that people like working from home and are in no hurry to return to the office. The challenge is to find that “sweet spot” between a collaborative work dynamic and individual execution while respecting the evolution of the sanitary protocols. 

In the fall of 2022, the company asks the employees to come back to the office at least on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week to facilitate exchanges and improve team cohesion – the « sweet spot«  is found!

 Happy people perform well. 

A boom in times of crisis :

Uncertainty gives way to development

During the pandemic, ELEMA experiences a very brief period of uncertainty, barely a week. “At the very beginning, nobody really knew what to expect. Were we entering a severe economic recession? So, we had discussions with several of our key clients and they reassured us that it would be ‘business as usual’ and that we could rely on them going forward.”

The company grows tremendously during this period where the number of employees is doubled.


Google Montréal
© Adrien Williams




Before the pandemic we were eighteen. We are now forty. 

This meteoric growth is the result of a series of factors that caused the demand in the construction industry to explode.

“When construction picked up here, it went crazy and there was a strange dynamic of overbidding. The demand exploded.”

This sudden and unexpected growth requires further adjustments. ELEMA can no longer operate in the same way and must review its organizational structure considering the number of employees that has substantially increased. This led to the creation of a new position of Director of Engineering, which is given to Andréanne Biron. If Dominic, Félix, Jake, Martin and Ricardo still wish to limit the hierarchical layers, they nevertheless have to delegate certain responsibilities, as a team of ten people cannot be managed the same way as a team of forty, especially while working from home.


Google Montréal
© Adrien Williams

A business opportunity in… glass!

Competence, agility and receptivity to business opportunities allow ELEMA’s stakeholders to keep pace with the ever-changing world of engineering

The growing team contributes to the execution of architectural works of unprecedented complexity, especially when it deploys its expertise in the structural glass sector.

In the summer of 2022, ELEMA acquires CPA Structural Glass, a company with which it has already collaborated on ambitious projects such as the restoration of the Grand Théâtre de Québec and the glass floor of the Pointe-à-Callière Museum.


Maison Simons Sainte-Foy


This company is the leader in its sector and its reputation precedes it. With this acquisition, ELEMA is enhancing its service offering and aims to consolidate its position in the structural glass engineering sector in Quebec and throughout Canada.

 This integration will enable us to undertake big projects which will combine their vast experience in structural glass and our reputation for structural creativity. 

Béthanie Cloutier, President of CPA, joins ELEMA and offers the team her expertise as a structural glass engineer. She works in close collaboration with Félix, who has extensive knowledge and a keen interest for projects involving this material. Thus, these professionals join forces and hone their skills through the execution of impressive current and future projects.


Cirque du Soleil



Branching out in Western Canada

In September 2022, ELEMA sets foot in Calgary, Alberta and opens its first office there under the leadership of talented engineer David Optyker, who has been a resident of the city for over a decade.


New pavilion Saint Joseph’s Oratory
© Lemay

Jean-Lesage Airport


Born in Geneva, Switzerland, the multilingual engineer has a portfolio that includes a vast array of municipal, residential, heritage, recreational, and cultural projects.

He makes use of his knowledge of both Canadian and European design codes and standards. He is always on the lookout for new materials and cutting-edge structural solutions in the engineering ecosystem. 

“He is exceptionally skilled in the design of steel, concrete and wood, with a particular drive and talent for unique approaches and solutions.”

ELEMA promotes a unique approach through which it provides a talented collaborator with the necessary tools to develop their full potential, thus contributing to the growth of the company.

A business project is mainly based around an individual. We position them where they want to work and we build around them, not around a product!

Selecting talent to work with, coordinating work with head office resources, and promoting ELEMA’s expertise in the West are David’s primary goals. Known for his innovative building structure solutions, he can count on the complete trust of his East Coast colleagues.

This new recruit is a valuable asset for the organisation, which in turn facilitates the realization of David’s ambition to become an entrepreneur.

“He is realizing his dream of becoming an entrepreneur, but without all the administrative burden of running a business. It’s a win-win situation!”




Beyond borders

The rise of global teleworking in the post-pandemic era is breaking down borders and at the same time allowing almost unlimited access to talent from all corners of the world.

After having set up its bases in the cities of Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Calgary, the United States is now in ELEMA’S sights!


Maison Simons, Sainte-Foy


Paying it forward

Generosity is an essential part of ELEMA’s values; whether it be in terms of time, educational commitments, or donations. 

We love helping people out and are grateful for how far we’ve come, so if we can contribute to the collective well-being through concrete actions, we will do it.

Art stimulates us.

“For example, we give a annual scholarship in architecture/structure to the Cégep de Saint-Laurent, we donate time to various engineering and architecture schools in the region, and last year we helped making holiday baskets for Moisson Montréal. Every December, Dominic organizes the “President’s Breakfast”, where he prepares breakfast himself for all our team members to thank them.” M.H.

ELEMA collaborates to the work entitled Contemplation by Pascale Girardin, a creation suspended between the 9th and 18th floors of the central outdoor atrium of the Four Seasons Hotel Montreal (2018-2019).



Despite their busy schedules, the engineers take the time to put their expertise to work for artists such as Phil Allard, Pascale Girardin and Armand Vaillancourt. The underlying motivation for this involvement is not financial, but rather a shared passion for their work and for art in general. 

It requires another level of sensibility and openness.  



La force ouvrière, at the Michel Chartrand Park


We help artists a lot and we believe in their work. Félix loves working on these types of projects. 

At the Michel Chartrand Park in Longueuil, one can contemplate the first collaboration between ELEMA and the renowned sculptor Armand Vaillancourt for the massive work La force ouvrière – Hommage à Michel Chartrand. This judicious combination of art and engineering can also be admired at the entrance of ELEMA’s offices where another creation of Armand Vaillancourt can be found: coloured prints that magnify a large glass door.

Behind the scenes...

The positive leader


Dominic Miron
President and Cofounder


Dominic is a calm, humble, and very human manager. A former hockey coach in his spare time, he is described as an excellent leader. Someone who knows how to surround himself with the right people and who doesn’t hesitate to help his colleague’s rise and shine professionally. Generous and empathetic, he is sensitive to the plight of the less fortunate in our society. Dominic is proud of his profession. The beauty of our work is that we can actually see it and touch it. It’s built. It’s not abstract. It will be there for 20-30-50-100 years. That’s what motivates me.


The clever joker


Félix Bédard
Vice-President, Cofounder and Engineer


Félix is blessed with an excellent repartee and a good sense of humour. Perceptive, quick-witted and affable, he displays an extraordinary talent that is recognized by his peers. With a great artistic sensibility, he collaborates on several works. His enthusiasm is only matched by his expertise. There’s always a solution to a problem, maybe that solution will be out-of-the box.


The cornerstone


Martin Houle
Associate, Architect, Project Coordinator


Martin is an exceptional communicator. Described as a cornerstone by his
co-workers, he is the man for the job. He is sociable, articulate and versatile. Martin’s speech is filled with great humanity, just like ELEMA’s. Human relations are very important to us, and this goes beyond numbers, because engineering can be a bit dry. We make sure that the client is
taken into consideration, we ask them if there is anything we can improve. We are transparent. 


The quiet force


Ricardo Segantini
Associate, BIM Manager


Born into a family of entrepreneurs, Ricardo knows all the work involved in the logistics of a company. With a degree in architecture from Brazil, he is persistent, with a calm and collected temperament that allows him to face challenges with philosophy. We’re passionate. We’re here as partners, not just to design structures and make them fit. We really want to understand the dream – what the client wants, and do the things that we need to do to make that dream become a reality.


The seasoned ambassador


Jake Estok
Associate, Senior Engineer


With an impressive intellectual presence, Jake is an experienced engineer who handles situations with skill and confidence. Charismatic and assertive, he puts his expertise to good use with young engineering colleagues and students at McGill University, where he is a project supervisor. His professional reputation helps ELEMA to grow. We don’t just have a conservative approach. We can create a vision, a bold structure. That’s why we have the term ‘creators’ in our tagline, it’s because we see ourselves as people who innovate.


For the future...

Advice from the pros

Starting a business is not a project accessible to everyone. Entrepreneurs want to succeed but, to do so, it’s best to know what you’re getting into… or not!

When starting out as an entrepreneur, it is important to know yourself well. An introspective questioning is judicious. Why do you want to start a business? What state of mind are you in?

The ELEMA team has some advice for you. Professional advice!


Beginner’s naivety

“The advice I would give is to stay naive. At the beginning, you tell yourself that it’s going to be great, that you’re going to be free. Once you get going, you realize that it’s not at all what you thought it was going to be, because your responsibilities are much greater when you’re an entrepreneur than when you’re an employee.”

Sometimes, it’s best to avoid apprehension. Daring to take the plunge is a step in the right direction. Asking yourself too many questions can be limiting and lead to blockages or unfounded fears.

“At the same time, with great responsibilities come control of your destiny. It’s exciting, but it’s an enormous pressure. If you really know what it means from the beginning, you might not do it. You have to jump in. Once you’re in it, you have no choice but to adapt and do it”. 

One question remains. Is professional success in entrepreneurship a guarantee of daily happiness? It all depends on your inner motivations. The reasons why you want to start a business. It’s one thing to start a company, but it’s another one to persevere. If becoming an entrepreneur was that easy, everyone would be one, right? 


The real motivations 

“If you want to be happy as an entrepreneur, you shouldn’t do it for the money in general, otherwise it will rub off on the team and you won’t make it.”  

“There is so much mental stress in having a business that no amount of money will compensate for that.”


Daring to take the plunge


Overcoming your fears

Fear is an emotion that many people struggle with when faced with a new professional challenge. Succeeding in transcending your fears allows for the discovery of unsuspected resources within oneself. This is the way to rise professionally! 

“It is normal to experience fear, as it is part of human nature. At some point, it’s good to be aware of it and to understand that if it is present, it means that there is a risk, but also a potential that can be extraordinary. You have to want to go beyond that, to overcome that fear!”


Knowing this, how far are you willing to go to become an entrepreneur?

What is remarkable about ELEMA’s five partners is their accessibility, their eclecticism and their generosity. And above all, the passion and humanity which come out of their unique organizational culture.

Elema – English


Publishing Director: Audrey Dallaire 
Author: Evelyne Bilodeau 
Translator: Frédérick Poulin
Graphic designer: Liliane Racine 
Graphic artist: Marie-Hélène Taillon 
Proofreader: Céline Chabot

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