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AGT Robotics Éric Bélanger Louis Dicaire



AGT Robotics designs and manufactures automated industrial equipment. With its expertise in the creation of robotic welding systems, this Trois-Rivières-based company is now making its mark around the world. Éric Bélanger, president, and his partner Louis Dicaire, general manager, have brought together all the necessary ingredients for this great success: bouncing back from adversity, working with a sense of fun and, above all, surrounding themselves with a competent
and committed team. 

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The genesis...

Between dreams and ambitions

Éric Bélanger studied mechanical engineering at the Polytechnique Montréal. Toward the end of his academic career, he was already thinking of starting his own company. His creativity and aspirations led him to a great adventure full of significant encounters, stimulating projects and imposing challenges.

After working for a year and a half as an employee in an automated plant under construction in Newfoundland, Éric, who has a passion for travelling,l, leaves to discover Europe for a few months. 

Upon his return, he learns about the brand-new Management and Business Start-up program offered in Trois-Rivières. The powerful entrepreneurial spirit that has been in him since the end of his studies pushes him to leave Montreal to embark on this project.

During the training, I met people who introduced me to other people… All these contacts played a major role in the creation of my company.   

Thus, in 1992, Éric starts his company, which he names Avant-garde technologie (AGT), alongside his brother Ghislain, a mechanical engineering technician. Their common goal: to design and manufacture automated industrial equipment.



Passion and modesty

Despite the two partners’ great will and enthousiasm, AGT’s business takes off slowly. They have to deal with a lack of experience, low cash flow and several technical obstacles.

“We had $30,000 in sales the first year. Fortunately, we had lots of fun!”

Faced with numerous challenges, the new partners are far from giving up. They decide to rent a place to conduct their operations. Shortly thereafter, Ghislain builds a house in Mont-Carmel. The two brothers construct a garage on their own, taking care to include a small office. 

“Ghislain’s garage is the first headquarters of AGT Robotics. In the end, he never even got to put a pedal bike in there!”

Their complementarity makes things much easier. Indeed, Ghislain remains responsible for the manufacturing and assembling of the machines, while Éric’s role is more in the field of design and sales. 



Thinking BIG

In 1995, Ghislain and Éric have plans to expand. To do so, the company has to move to a larger location. In order to help them, their father loans them $25,000, an amount that serves as a down payment for the purchase of their first building, located inthe Cap-de-la-Madeleine area.

“I didn’t want my father to lose $25,000! It was an extra incentive to double our efforts to make our business work.”

Their hard work leads to a sharp rise in the number of AGT employees. Some fifteen people join the company and put their creativity to work on a variety of custom projects. A multitude of manufacturers contact AGT to have all sorts of equipment produced. They thus work in several fields, such as wood, rubber, air filters, bricks and even hair strands!

 A client would come in with a problem and we would never say no.    

Looking for « Repeat Business »

Although the company remains profitable, their business model means that Ghislain and Éric are always having to recreate and start over. Consequently, they face a constant technical and financial risk.

We’ve lost a lot of money on some custom equipment by running projects this way.    

In 2000, AGT moves to a 5,000-square-foot building on Parent boulevard in Trois-Rivières. Éric, who had always aspired to take AGT overseas, is thinking of ways to move away from creating custom projects and toward marketing products.

 “When you do specific projects for each client, you have no choice but to establish a proximity relationship. It’s not possible to do customized work with a client in Europe. We therefore made several attempts at repeat business, but it didn’t work.”

In 2005, in order to find solutions, AGT calls in a consultant. Éric and Ghislain entrust him with their vision and ambitions.

 We then realized that we had to move from creators to entrepreneurs.    

“A creator is someone who likes to invent things that work. An entrepreneur is someone who likes to sell things that make profit.”




This thinking results in a strategic plan to be implemented in the next five years. At the same time, Ghislain leaves AGT in the course of 2007.

Creation of the BeamMaster

Sectoring remains one of the most important steps to achieve the goals of AGT’s strategic plan.

In order to achieve this, Éric knows that he has to leave certain sectors behind, develop a more specialized expertise and create a product with the potential to be marketed on a larger scale. This thought process naturally leads him to the world of metal and robotic welding.

 People around me were saying: don’t go into this, you don’t have much experience. But the way I see it, you don’t have to be a specialist in a sector to get ahead. The important thing is to have the will to become one.  


A collaboration that makes a difference

In 2007 and 2008, AGT conducts unique projects in collaboration with the artificial vision company Orus, headed by Louis Dicaire, in Laval.

Orus’ expertise allowed us to put intelligence into our processing robots and eliminate the time-consuming programming.    

In 2010, Éric achieves one of the objectives of his strategic plan by acquiring Orus. Louis thus becomes his partner at AGT. Fuelled by challenges, they dream of developing a robot that can automatically weld an entire steel structure. To achieve this, a major financial partner joins the two associates in order to make their project become a reality: to design this famous piece of equipment which they would call the BeamMaster.

“Before, our work was always driven by a client’s need. Now, no one was paying us to invent the machine. For the first time in our lives, we were generating a project internally. We were finally going to experience the marketing of a product.”  

Éric and Louis can count on a team of 75 employees. They create a very complex structure made of three robots and eight vision systems. Between 2014 and 2016, they manage to sell four of them worldwide.


When everything blows up


The AGT team works tirelessly to develop a product that delivers on its promise.

They discover that, despite having the best intentions, developing a product in a new market with a cutting-edge technology is much more difficult than they anticipated. They find out the hard way that their project is too ambitious. The artificial intelligence and self-programming technology, the technical complexity and the size of the system make it difficult, if not impossible, to add small improvements to meet client demands.

We had to deal with a lot of debts.    

Dissatisfaction among some clients and legal concerns even lead their financial partner, now the majority shareholder, to withdraw from the project. Owning the company, this partner attempts to sell its assets in order to recoup his investment.

“I had put my heart and soul into it from 1992 to 2016. And now I was asked to prepare the sale of our company, to draw up a list of potential buyers… It was very hard: I had to let go of the baby I had created without getting a penny out of it.” 

 However, no convincing offer appears on the horizon. Éric and Louis support each other through this ordeal and decide to make a proposal to their former partner. This offer is ultimately accepted. The two partners thus buy back their own company.

Honestly, I am no longer afraid to tell this story. Many people go through bankruptcies. The important thing in all this is that we didn’t give up.  




A story of resilience

In 2016, the dark clouds give way to sunshine. Éric and Louis keep the BeamMaster name, but simplify the product’s functionalities and thus reduce the associated costs. Their resilience and experience pay off: AGT becomes a global company. 

 We are now all over the world, we have a great team and we are growing tremendously.   

One hundred passionate and happy employees bring spectacular projects to life in a large 50,000-square-foot facility.

  And we are only at the beginning of this great adventure!  



Vision and values...

The human being behind the robot


A part of the committee: 
Jean-François Morel (Director of Software Development), Louis Dicaire (General Manager and Partner), Alex Pelland (Director of Product), Charles-Alexandre Soucy (Director of Finance), Denis Dumas (Director of Marketing), and Gaetan Chaperon (Director of Engineering)


Éric and Louis acknowledge every day the precious contribution of the human beings who work at their side.

The meetings of the board of directors are always held in an atmosphere of solidarity and common good.

The group consists of: Louis-Marc Dubois (Director of Manufacturing), Charles-Alexandre Soucy (Director of Finance), Gaetan Chaperon (Director of Engineering), Etienne Blouin (Director of International Development), Denis Dumas (Director of Marketing), and Jean-François Morel (Director of Software Development). This tightly knit team shares the same values, which contributes to the success of AGT.



AGT Robotics employees can count on a warm and respectful work environment. This is a core value of the company, which prioritizes well-being at work. In this regard, the two partners assume that all people are well-intentioned and deserving of their trust.

 If someone makes a mistake, we know they didn’t do it on purpose. In any case, if you don’t make mistakes, it’s because you’re not trying hard enough.    

Words of welcome, new work tools, friendly meetings, respect for people and their families… AGT Robotics is far from treating its employees like numbers. The hierarchy is also not very rigid; the partners and directors are always accessible and take the time to talk with their staff.


Confidence &  flexibility


A beautiful synergy

Éric and Louis place great importance on communication within the company. This is why they take the time to present their vision and strategies to the employees.

 It’s important that people know where we’re going and that they feel part of the decisions.  

The AGT Robotics team also builds relationships of trust with its suppliers, clients and partners, who are literally part of their extended family.




Passing on the flame

Students and interns are always welcome at AGT. In fact, organized visits allow students form robotics programs to benefit from workshops and meetings with the team members.

For teenagers struggling to find their way, the company has everything it takes to bring out new passions. Strategists, welders, gamers… There is a lot to learn from the different trades at AGT!

We want to create the spark with some young people!  


Behind the scenes...

Traveler, creator and dreamer


Éric Bélanger


Éric has always been full of ideas and ambition. Although he was not born into a family of entrepreneurs, his childhood in the countryside led him to develop his resourcefulness and autonomy.

As a passionate traveller, he dreamed of building a company that would extend to several countries around the world. To achieve his goals, he had to be very introspective. In this respect, Éric acknowledges that he is not the most rigorous manager. Thus, he has to surround himself with down-to-earth people to help him stay on course toward his goals.

The secret of AGT’s success is the combination of my strengths with those of my partner Louis. The dreamer and the pragmatist represent the ideal tandem to lead large-scale projects!


The ordered mind


Louis Dicaire
General Manager


Louis has a background in marketing and business administration. He founded his artificial vision company, Orus, in 2000. For him, his association with Éric allowed for the creation of complete and intelligent systems.

When he was younger, Louis admired his father because he knew so many people of different nationalities. Today, through his involvement with AGT, he too meets clients from various countries of the world, much to his delight. Genuine, humane and very structured, Louis gets along wonderfully
with his partner Éric.

Synergy is super important. In fact, I’m always amazed when I see the variety of trades at AGT that work together to create cutting-edge products in an extraordinary work environment!



For the future...

Trusting your instincts


Éric and Louis have weathered the storms their own way, according to their personality, character and their own risk tolerance.

The two partners admit that they were a little too ambitious at the beginning, but today they are reaping the rewards of their efforts.

“There are entrepreneurs who have the personality to take big risks and swing for the fences. Others prefer to look slightly less far ahead, but are no worse off for it and still achieve great things. It’s best to respect your limits in order to feel fulfilled and obtain good results.”

 When asked for advice, they simply suggest trusting your instincts.



Surrounding yourself well

When Éric and Louis were faced with bankruptcy, it was difficult for them to keep their heads above water and have a clear vision of the situation. For them, it is essential, as entrepreneurs, to surround themselves with the right people.

In this respect, the Groupement des chefs d’entreprise has been a precious support for the two partners. Their respective spouses have also supported and accompanied them in a remarkable way.

They supported us 100%. Never did we feel uncertainty or lack of confidence from them.  

According to them, an entrepreneur does not have to be a leader, but a team builder.

When a leader says something, you follow it. A team builder, on the other hand, involves his team. And at AGT, it’s really the entrepreneurial team that counts. 

Living in acceptance

Despite the numerous hours spent on a company, it should not be an entrepreneur’s only source of happiness.

 You have to accept that the worst could happen and tell yourself: if I lose my company, it’s not the end of the world.  

Although it was a long process of introspection, Éric managed, through difficult times, to detach himself from his company and understand that he could be happy living differently.

You have to ask yourself: if this doesn’t work, what else could I do? Giving yourself the right to think of a plan B is a great relief to the mind… and prevents insomnia!  

After all the energy put into getting the company where it is today, the future looks bright for the AGT Robotics team. While the BeamMaster is destined to break into construction-related industries, the projects of Éric, Louis, the board of directors and the hundred of employees of this inspiring Trois-Rivières company will expand around the world. With their expertise, humane values and great ambitions, the future is theirs! 



AGT Robotics – English

8800, boulevard Parent
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5E1

438 881-8350

Publishing Director: Audrey Dallaire
Author: Anne-Sophie Brunelle
Translator: Frédérick Poulin
Graphic designer: Liliane Racine
Proofreading: Céline Chabot

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